BullsEye is a HyperCard¿ based ShareWare application, designed for developing and presenting multimedia presentations. The concept of this program began in 1988 and has gone through 4 previous versions. The following is a list of system requirements and program features.
If you have the Demo Presentation, please read this paragraph. When viewing the BullsEye Demo presentation, keep the BullsEye Demo presentation in the same folder as all of the resources. Removing it from the folder causes the program to ask where the resources are located. This is not a problem, simply an inconvenience. If you are using the BullsEye Demo, you will need to have HyperCard¿ or the HyperCard Player¿, version 2.2 or higher, available on your drive. If you are using the BullsEye Demo Standalone, you do not need HyperCard¿ or the player.
System requirements are as follows:
System 7 or higher
Color capable Macintosh¿ with 68030 or higher
Minimum of 2.5 MB or RAM for HyperCard¿
HyperCard¿ 2.2 or HyperCard Player¿ 2.2 or higher; 2.3 for speech support
QuickTime¿ 1.6 or higher; 2.0 is needed for MIDI sound support
BullsEye supports the following features: (this is not a complete list)
An * denotes new features in BullsEye v1.2.
Text with transitions and automatic text builds
28 build transitions
*Title and body fields can be resized and positioned on each card
Audio play and record for Macs with sound input capability
*New audio buttons for play on click or play on open
*New buttons features dialog for audio, picture and link buttons
*Speech using MacInTalk Pro or PlainTalk - Read text in title and body fields
*Paint on screen while in presentation mode
Display of color Pict files
JPEG compressed files OK
Multiple pictures per card
6 window styles
Pictures can be sized and cropped
*Pictures can be displayed full screen
28 visual effects
Display on open, after delay, or on demand
28 color screen transitions
*Use of a PICT file as a master screen image
*Screen fade at startup and close of presentation
Hyper Linking between cards and other presentation stacks with or without
return path*
QuickTime¿ movie files and QT-MIDI sound files
Multiple movies per card
4 window styles
Movies can be sized
Play on open, after delay, on demand, or follow other*
*Fade out on any QT audio on advance
*QT-MIDI only can play on open and continue during other card actions
*Page numbering and direct card access may be positioned and displayed
Password protection providing READ ONLY mode for distribution
*New presentation options - start at launch, enable/disable navigation palette,
enable/disable page numbering, enable/disable painting during presentation
Balloon help¿ updated* - if running system 7.5, AppleGuide must be disabled
Online help updated*
Please try BullsEye and see if it fills a niche in your software library. If so, I am asking for a $20.00 registration fee. I will send you a copy of my current version of BullsEye along with a printed manual showing all dialogs, palettes, and explaining all features. Make sure to include your mailing address in order to receive your disk and manual. Please feel free to duplicate this disk "AS IS" and pass it on to friends.
If you are associated with a public or private institution, please contact me regarding site license pricing. BullsEye will be your most affordable multimedia tool choice.
Thank you for you support!
John Heneise
5853 Portsmouth St.
Chino, CA 91710
America On Line - Jheneise@AOL.COM
Phone (909) 628-0197 Bug reports and comments are appreciated!!!
Macintosh¿, Balloon Help¿, QuickTime¿, HyperCard¿, and HyperCard Player¿ are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.
This product contains licensed XCMDs and XFCNs which are the property of the following companies:
AddColor XCMD ⌐1993 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Movie XCMD ⌐ 1991-1993 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved
WindowScript ⌐1990-1992 Leonard Buck, All Rights Reserved